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Receive a free box of Kind Bars- $25 value!
Receive a free box of Kind Bars ($25 value), when you buy over $75 in qualifying coffee supplies from Office Express Supply. Kind Bars are a smart, healthy option to add to any business’ kitchen, and right now is the best time to try them, absolutely FREE! Kind Bars are made from wholesome nutrient-rich ingredients that even alone, provide a plethora of antioxidants/nutrients, but when you combine a few of those individual ingredients into one, you get a snack super-food. If you find your employees are lacking motivation or energy throughout the day, then try to incorporate snacks for them to look forward to whenever they feel tired or need something to curb their appetite.
Kind Bars are packed with quality ingredients that keep you fuller, longer, so distractions and lack of productivity due to hunger are a thing of the past. Kind Bars are an intelligent option that despite it delicious flavor, packs a healthy punch! Kind Bars are made from whole nuts, fruits, and grains, they are a delicious way of getting the essential nutrients everyone needs like fiber, protein and antioxidants (to name a few). If your employees can eat something small, while also curbing their appetite, they’ll be more likely to be as productive as possible, since they will eat during their designated breaks instead of either taking the break early or accidentally extending it due to having to eat something bigger than usual.
Here at Office Express Supply, we utilize Kind Bars as much as possible, keeping them around the office so that our employees are as satisfied as can be. Taking advantage of this offer will take care of your coffee supply needs for the time being, while also saving money by getting a free healthy snack option to pair up with your beverage of choice or meal of choice. Help guide your business’ employees to a healthy lifestyle and save money, while also helping them be as happy and productive as possible.
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